Calibrating the cs125 – Campbell Scientific CS125 Present Weather Sensor User Manual
Page 44

CS125 Present Weather Sensor
Menu 9 and 0: Exiting the menu system
Options `9’ and `0’ exit from the menu system. Note that typing `0’ will lose all
changes made including communications settings.
16. Calibrating the CS125
The CS125 can be checked and adjusted using the optional CS125 calibrator part
number 010816. The calibration must be run using the onboard menu system. If
you have Campbell Scientific’s Device configuration program a terminal
emulation screen is provided in the CS125 screens to let you access this function.
To perform the calibration you will need a CS125 calibrator disk and a computer
with a standard serial port compatible with the CS125. If your CS125 is not
currently configured for RS232 communications you can set the internal switch,
switch three, to temporarily set the sensor to RS232 mode 38400bps. If the sensor
is already set in RS232 mode it should not be necessary to change any internal
switches. (See Section 10 for more information on the CS125 internal switches.)
The test should ideally be performed in the following conditions:
Ambient temperature should be 20ºC +/-10ºC
The local visibility should be approximately 10,000 metres or higher.
The system is self-regulating. However, it is recommended that the CS125 is
calibrated at least every two years.
The calibration is performed from menu item 3 on the main terminal screen.
Please refer to the menu section (Section 13) of this manual for further
information on how to access this menu.
Once you have selected menu item 3 you should be presented with the following
Select option 1 to start the calibration. You will then be asked to confirm that you
would like to perform a calibration. Please note, once you have entered yes at this
point you will not be able to exit until the test is complete. However, power
cycling the unit at this point will have no adverse effect on the sensor.
ID 0
S/N 1009
(1) Perform calibration
(2) Restore the factory calibration
(9) Refresh
(0) Return to main menu