We recommend, Perishable food should not be stored above +4 °c, Medium setting for long-term storage of food – Siemens KU15LA65 User Manual

Page 25: Refrigeration capacity, Freezer compartment, Usable capacity, Refrigerator compartment, Note when loading products, Coldest zone is in the pull-out container. fig, Note

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We recommend:

Perishable food should not be stored
above +4 °C.

Low setting for short-term
storage of food (energy-saving mode).

Medium setting for long-term storage
of food.

Select a higher setting only
temporarily, when the door is
frequently opened or large quantities
are placed in the refrigerator

Refrigeration capacity

The temperature in the refrigerator
compartment may rise temporarily if
large amounts of food or a lot of drinks
are placed inside.
Therefore the temperature controller
should be set to a higher setting for
approx. 7 hours.

Freezer compartment

The temperature in the freezer
compartment depends on the
temperature in the refrigerator

Usable capacity

Information on the usable capacity can
be found inside your appliance on
the rating plate. Fig. .



The refrigerator compartment is the ideal
storage location for ready meals, cakes
and pastries, preserved food, condensed
milk, hard cheese, fruit and vegetables
sensitive to cold as well as tropical fruit.

Note when loading products

Wrap or cover food before placing in the
appliance. This will retain the aroma,
colour and freshness of the food. In
addition, flavours will not be transferred
between foods and the plastic parts will
not become discoloured.

Avoid contact between food and rear
panel. Otherwise the air circulation will
be impaired.
Food or packaging could freeze to the
rear panel.

Note the chill zones in the

refrigerator compartment

The air circulation in the refrigerator
compartment creates different chill

Coldest zone is in the pull-out
container. Fig. 3

Store perishable food (e.g. fish,
sausage, meat) in the coldest zones.

Warmest zone is at the very top
of the door.

Store e.g. cheese and butter in the
warmest zone. When served, the
cheese will not have lost its flavour
and the butter will be easy to spread.