Aalborg PWE Digital User Manual
Page 32

4.2.3 RTD hardware option
This display indicates presence of the RTD hardware. If second line of the screen
indicates “Installed”, then flow meter is equipped with RTD with signal process-
ing circuitry and ready for temperature measurement. A typical display for device
with RTD option is shown below.
4.2.4 Analog Flow Output settings
This display indicates which type of the jumper selectable Flow analog output is
currently active. The device can be set for 0-5 Vdc or 4-20 mA output. A typical
display for device with jumper configuration for 0-5 Vdc Flow output is shown
4.2.5 Analog Temperature Output settings
This display indicates which type of the jumper selectable Temperature analog out-
put is currently active. The device can be set for 0-5 Vdc or 4-20 mA output. A typ-
ical display for device with jumper configuration for 0-5 Vdc Temperature output
is shown below.
Note: Analog Temperature Output settings screen will be available
on the devices which are not equipped with RTD option as well. In
this case user should not be under impression that unit supports
temperature measurement.
RTD Option:
Analog Flow Out:
0-5 Vdc
Analog Temp Out:
0-5 Vdc