Aalborg PWE Digital User Manual

Page 19

background image


Action: Keypad UP


Figure 3.9: PWE with RTD option initial Process Information Screen

Pressing UP button, pages through the PI screens in the forward direction.
Pressing DN button, pages through the PI screens in the reverse direction. When
the last PI screen is reached, the firmware "wraps around" and scrolls to the initial
PI screen once again.

3.1.2 PWE without RTD option Process

Information Screens

Pressing UP and DN buttons from initial PI screen will switch display as following:

[Initial PI screen]

Action: Keypad UP


Figure 3.10: PWE without RTD option PI Screen with Main and Pilot Totalizer

Action: Keypad UP


Figure 3.11: PWE without RTD option initial PI Screen with Main and Pilot


MT: 60639.38 Gal

PT: 65.81 Gal

5.001 Gl/min AD

20.1 C TA: D

5.001 Gl/min AD

PT: 65.81 Gal