Section 4. data presentations – MagTek InSpec 9000-2005 User Manual
Page 35

The data presentation is divided into two groups, ISO compliance charts and performance charts.
ISO compliance charts display information regarding a single card read as it relates to the
various ISO specifications. The performance charts display information regarding multiples
reads over a period of time to show changes or trends in the encoding quality.
The ISO compliance charts provide the operator with a quick and easy to understand “Go, No
Go” test of individual card reads. Amplitude, interval size, and start sentinel location are all
measured and displayed in several charts. The encoded data is also checked for parity, LCR, and
several other factors that may affect the ability to read the card in the field.
The performance charts are a useful tool for detecting problems with card encoding before the
cards are out of ISO specifications. The trend chart shows individual cards or daily averages over
a period of time. With the proper use of the keywords, the operator can view data on individual
encoders, different card stock, or other factors that might differentiate the encoded cards. The
histogram chart will provide statistical information on the same data that can be displayed in the
trend charts.