Bit size, Adj. bit, Figure 3-7. reference amplitude – MagTek InSpec 9000-2005 User Manual

Page 31

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Section 3. Operation


Figure 3-7. Reference Amplitude

Bit Size

The bit size, or bit cell, is the distance between two clocking flux transitions. This distance is the
“zero” bit. The ISO standard abbreviates the bit size as Bin and calls it Individual Flux
Transitions Spacing Variation
. Figure 3-8 shows the bit size, the subinterval, the adjacent bit
and the adjacent subinterval.

Adj. Bit

The Adj. Bit, or adjacent bit, is the distance between the “zero” bit flux transition and the
previous bit cell, shown as Bin + 1. The ISO standard abbreviates the adjacent bit as Bin + 1
and calls it Adjacent Bit Cell Spacing Variation.