System architecture/operating theory, Temperature and humidity ranges, Agency listings and approvals – Notifier IPDACT-2/2UD User Manual

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IPDACT-2: IP Communicator. Includes configuration software,

manuals, and prepared 30" telephone cable for connection to

panel’s DACT telco ports.
IPDACT-2UD: IP Communicator with upload/download capa-

bility (2UD modem daughter board). Includes configuration

software, manuals, and prepared 30" telephone cable for con-

nection to panel’s DACT telco ports.
2UD: Optional modem daughter board for upgrading an

IPBRKT: Mounting bracket kit consisting of screws and battery

shield with standoffs. Required for mounting in lower enclo-

sure section of NFW-50, NFW2-100, SFP-5UD, and SFP-

10UD. Required for use with 411 and HP300ULX in competi-

tive fire panels.
IPENC: External mounting enclosure consisting of mounting

bracket IPBRKT, and screws. Enclosure must be “close-nipple”

to a panel. (Red; order

IPENC-B for black.)

IPSPLT: Y adaptor option to allow connection of both panel

dialer outputs to one cable input to IPDACT-2/2UD.
ALMSC-119: Serial programming cable.
HP300ULX: Honeywell Power Products UL 1481-listed auxil-

iary power supply. Enclosure must be “close-nipple” to a panel

via conduit. Requires IPBRKT purchased separately.
IPCHSKIT: IP Communicator Chassis Mounting Kit. For

mounting an IPDACT-2/2UD onto a CHS-4/N, CHS-4L, CHS-

M3, or NFS2-640 Chassis.

System Architecture/Operating Theory

The FireWatch IP Communicators and an Ethernet connection

simply replace the telephone lines as the primary communica-

tions path to the central station. It connects to customer sup-

plied network equipment with a gateway to the Internet. The

communicators provide supervised telephone line voltage to

both panel DACT ports. Upon network communication loss,

telephone line voltage is dropped to the panel and panel

reports communication loss trouble. The communicators moni-

tor the connectivity to both the primary and secondary receiver

at the central station. Upon failure of a central station receiver

the backup automatically and instantly assumes the primary

role. The communicator supervises the connection to the cen-

tral station at a minimum of once every 90 seconds.
For a Fire or Trouble event, The Fire Alarm Panel will send

Contact ID alarm event information from its DACT port. The

communicator will sense the off-hook status of the panel and

accept all data. The IP Communicator will then immediately

packetize the Contact ID information into UDP protocol and

encrypt it with 512 bits of AES encryption and send it to the

central station. The central station receiver will decrypt and

unpacketize the Contact ID information and present it to the

central station automation software. Upon operator acknowl-

edgement the kiss-off signal will be sent back to the panel.
In addition to Contact ID alarm communication, the IPDACT-

2UD version 6.0 supports upload and download to the panel

from anywhere on the Internet. This communication uses stan-

dard modem control signals wrapped up in TCP/IP packets.

Standard programming software such as PS-TOOLS are used

on the remote programming PC. A separate application

(UDPORT.exe) is started on the programming PC. This soft-

ware contains settings that include central station receiver IP

address, port number, upload/download username and pass-

word (supplied by central station). UDPORT is set to a specific

communication port that will be used by the programming soft-

ware. The PK-PLUS program is also set to this same commu-

nication port. The programming software must contain a

subscriber number that matches the desired remote IPDACT-

2UD card’s subscriber number set at the central station. PK-

PLUS “dials” the remote via standard ATDT modem com-

mands. The IPDACT-2UD v.32 modem daughter card sees the

modem commands via TCP/IP and provides a RING to the

panel. The modem on the panel handshakes with the local

IPDACT-2UD modem and communications begin. While com-

munications are limited to the panel’s baud rate, the advantage

is that all communications from the remote site programming

PC all the way to the remote panel are fully digital and are not

subject to drop outs due to phone line noise.

Temperature and Humidity Ranges

This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0 -

49°C/32 - 120°F and at a relative humidity up to 93% ± 2%RH

(non-condensing) at 32°C ± 2°C (90°F ± 3°F) However, the

useful life of the electronic components may be adversely

affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. There-

fore it is recommended that this system and its peripherals be

installed in an environment with a normal room temperature of

15-27°C/60 - 80°F.

Agency Listings and Approvals

The listings and approvals below apply to the IP Communica-

tor. In some cases certain modules may not be listed by cer-

tain approval agencies, or listings may be in process. Consult

factory for latest listing status.
• UL: S2424, S624
• CSFM: 7300-0075:223.