Easy to program, Panel capabilities, Visoralarm plus® ip receiver – Notifier IPDACT-2/2UD User Manual

Page 2: Installation requirements

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Page 2 of 4 — DN-60408:D2 • 1/27/12

annunciate specific alarm types such as trouble-only


• Supports upload/download using existing, familiar program-

ming tools.

• Two supervised inputs and two outputs.

Easy to Program

There are three ways to configure the IP Communicator:

1. Console terminal using the HyperTerminal™ software

program found on all Microsoft® operating systems.

2. Local or remote Telnet session via Ethernet connection.
3. Windows-based configuration software (shipped with IP


The IP Communicator can be pre-programmed. The program-

mer enters all central-station information and an auto-registra-

tion password. This is saved to the unit’s flash memory. When

the IP Communicator is installed at the site and connected to

the Internet/Intranet, it registers itself with the central station

receiver. This eliminates the need for a PC at the remote site

for programming. The IP receiver at the monitoring station will

automatically configure other parameters during registration.
• For most installations, the only required parameters are:
• Selection of either DHCP or Static IP
• Destination primary and secondary receiver IP addresses
• Account identification number (CID)
• Port number
• Installation password
All of these parameters are assigned by the central station.

See “Installation Requirements” for full details.

Panel Capabilities

The IPDACT-2/2UD unit is compatible with the following UL

864 Ninth Edition fire alarm panels: NFS-320, NFS2-640,

NFS2-3030, NCA-2, FireWarden-100-2 (NFW2-100), FireWar-

den-50 (NFW-50), SFP-5UD, and SFP-10UD. The IPDACT-2/

2UD is also compatible with Notifier legacy Fire Alarm Control

Panels. See the IPDACT Series Installation Document PN

53109 for more information on compatibility and use of the

UDACT Universal Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter.

Use 411 or 411UD Slave Dialer and HP300ULX power supply

to connect to Alarm Trouble and Supervisory relay outputs of

any competitive fire panel.
If using 411 or 411UD Slave Dialer with a competitive fire

panel, the HP300ULX power supply is required for mounting

and powering the IP Communicator. Order bracket kit PN:

IPBRKT separately. Both enclosures must be close-nippled to

the FACP.
The following panels may use an internal mounting bracket

(PN IPBRKT) for use with the common enclosure or can use

the HP300ULX power supply when more power is required:


NOTE: See “Installation Requirements” for current draws.

VisorALARM PLUS® IP Receiver

The FireWatch™ IP Communicator reports to the

VisorALARM-PLUS IP receiver (manufactured by the Teldat

Corporation). Each IP receiver can manage up to 3,000 IP

Communicator accounts and is compatible with existing cen-

tral station alarm monitoring software.
The VisorALARM IP receiver is based on high-availability

router technology and uses a high-performance embedded

operating system for higher reliability and efficiency. All IP

receiver configuration and operating data is backed up to a

smart card. This allows for an immediate equipment replace-

ment within 60 seconds with almost no downtime and no infor-

mation loss. The Primary and Secondary receiver

configurations provide maximum level of redundancy and both

can be backed up by additional “clustered” receivers for the

highest reliability available in the industry. Both receivers com-

municate in real-time over the network to keep information

synchronized and up-to-date. Each VisorALARM Plus

Receiver can handle up to 20 concurrent TCP/IP connections

from Upload/Download Users.

Installation Requirements

The following are required for proper installation of the IP

• 24 VDC nonresettable, filtered, regulated power:

IPDACT-2UD : 155 mA in alarm; standby 98 mA.
IPDACT-2: 136 mA in alarm; 93 mA standby.







Mounting in the

Control Panel Enclosure





Fire Alarm

Control Panel


Circuit Board




Metal conduit

Mounting in the HP300ULX Power Supply


Power Supply