Notifier LCD-160 User Manual
Lcd-160, Liquid crystal display, General

DN-6940:B1 • 8/31/2011 — Page 1 of 4
Liquid Crystal Display
Annunciator Control Systems
DN-6940:B1 • D-115
The LCD-160 is a 640-character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
annunciator and remote control for the NOTIFIER NFS-3030/
NFS2-3030 Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). The LCD-160
will mimic the top portion (160 characters) of the NFS-3030/
NFS2-3030’s 640-character display. This provides the event
and preprogrammed custom messages as displayed on the
main panel. The full screen contains soft key functions, and
can display other panel information.
LCD-160 Features
• 640-character Liquid Crystal Display with backlit control.
• On-board input, output, and status indicators to support
• Software upgrades and foreign-languages character sets
via serial port from a panel or other device using the
Remote Data Port (RDP) interface. Upgrades do not require
the replacement of any programmable devices.
• Rubberized keypad.
• Input for AKS-1B key switch.
• Fits in two ACS annunciator module locations.
• Display and Control Center (DCC) participation/indication.
RDP Interface
Any communication between the control panel and any RDP
device, such as the LCD-160, occurs over an RDP interface.
• RDP interface communication is supervised by the FACP
and the LCD-160.
• RDP bus can drive up to 32 RDP devices. The FACP must
be at one end of the bus; the last RDP device on the circuit
must have an enabled end-of-line resistor.
• Each LCD-160 on the bus requires a non-resettable 24
VDC power connection. The power circuit is inherently
supervised and a loss of power registers as a communica-
tion failure at the control panel.
• The LCD-160 can be powered by a regulated remote power
supply listed for fire-protective signaling use. If the 24 VDC
power comes from a non-power-limited source, it must
remain separate from the power-limited RDP bus.
Input supply voltage (TB2): Regulated, filtered 24 VDC via
non-resettable power supply interface listed for fire-protective
signaling use. Sources can be: panels with integrated power
supplies, main power supplies (AMPS-24, etc.), auxiliary
power supplies (APS2-6R, etc.); or a compatible accessories
output. If RDP devices are to be powered by separate power
supplies, a common reference connection must be estab-
Data communications port (TB1): Power-limited RDP inter-
Current draw: Standby current: 0.300 A with backlight on,
0.075 A with backlight off. Alarm current: 0.325 A with back-
light on, all LEDs active.
Wiring distance: 4000 feet (1219.2 m) at 18 AWG (0.78 mm²)
between the panel and the last device on the RDP bus (sub-
ject to system’s power restrictions).
Wiring size: 18 to 12 AWG (0.78 to 3.1 mm²) twisted-pair
cable, with characteristic impedance of 120 ohms ± 20%.
Wire resistance: Limit total wire resistance to 100 ohms on
the RDP bus, and 10 ohms on the RDP device power circuit.
Unloaded resistance between RDP connectors must be
greater than 1K ohm. A remote power supply is required if total
power wiring resistance exceeds 10 ohms.
NOTE: 1) DO NOT RUN CABLE adjacent to, or in the same con-
duit as: 120 VAC service; “noisy” electrical circuits that are power-
ing mechanical bells or horns; audio circuits above 25 Vrms; motor
control circuits; SCR power circuits; or non-power-limited circuits.
2) Refer to LCD-160 Manual, document no. 51850, if RDP devices
are to be mounted in SEPARATE CABINETS or powered by
Temperature/humidity range: This system meets NFPA
requirements for operation at 0 – 49°C/32 – 120°F and at a
relative humidity 93% ± 2% RH (noncondensing) at 32°C ±
2°C (90°F ± 3°F). However, the useful life of the system's
standby batteries and the electronic components may be
adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humid-
ity. Therefore, it is recommended that this system and its
peripherals be installed in an environment with a normal room
temperature of 15 – 27°C/60 – 80°F.
Shipping weight: 2.50 lb. (1.134 kg)