3 targetone 7.4 seaclass – Triton Sidescan User Manual
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The sidescan waterfall accesses the raw XTF data and therefore preserves the raw data
quality. It can be launched by double-clicking on a sidescan navigation line, tracked while
scrolling by the circle moving along the navigation line, and moved around that line or to
another while scrolling by dragging it across the screen.
7.3 TargetOne
Integrated into Perspective is our full targeting
package. This allows for collection, classification and
display of targets seen in either the waterfall or in
the mosaics. If a target is identified in the waterfall
view, its position will be added to the map and vice
versa. Targets can be measured and saved to ASCII
or TIFF files.
7.4 SeaClass
Triton SeaClass is an advanced seabed segmentation/classification module that
automatically characterizes bottom types based on statistical properties of sidescan
mosaics or any GeoTiff loaded in the project. SeaClass is based on a multi-layer
perceptron supervised neural network.
The classification procedure consists of two stages: a learning stage and a classification
stage. Training is accomplished by the operator selecting areas in the mosaic of differing
bottom type (e.g. sand, rock, mud, etc.). Training of the classifier neural network then
proceeds through an automated statistical analysis of the selected samples and a
characterization of each
bottom type.
The classification stage is
a completely automated
process where the entire
mosaic image is segmented
into the different classes
as shown to the right.