3 tvg adjustments – Triton Sidescan User Manual
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4.3 TVG Adjustments
Many modern sidescan sonars already account for TVG during acquisition and no
adjustments are required. However, when needed TVG corrections will greatly increase
the sidescan mosaic image quality. Prior to adjusting the TVG, it is important to slant
range correct the sidescan data in the waterfall view using the bottom track information.
This is accomplished by selecting the Slant Range toolbar button shown below.
There are two options for TVG, manual and automatic, launched by selecting one of the
toolbar buttons shown below:
To manually correct the TVG, note that it helps to place the TVG window such that the
range from 0 to Max spans the same section of the waterfall as shown below.
To adjust the TVG, click on the TVG line to create a node, then drag that node up (lighter)
or down (darker) to adjust the TVG at that location. Note it is possible to set the TVG
per channel or use one curve for all channels.