AMETEK 1990 DN DeviceNet Resolver Interface Module User Manual

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Chapter 1: Overview ............................... 3

Chapter 2: DeviceNet Information ......... 4

2.1 LED Operation ...............................................................4

2.2 I/O Messaging ................................................................4

2.3 Data Format ...................................................................4

Chapter 3: Getting Started ..................... 5

3.1 Establishing DeviceNet Communications ..................5

3.2 Configure the Node Address and Baud Rate .............5

3.3 Parameter Configuration ..............................................5

3.3.1 Scale Factor........... .............................................5

3.3.2 Counting Direction ...............................................5

3.3.3 Position Offset .....................................................6

3.3.4 Setpoints .............................................................6

Chapter 4: DeviceNet Object Model ....... 7

4.1 Object Model ..................................................................7

4.1.1 Objects Present in the DeviceNet Resolver ........7

4.1.2 Objects That Effect Behavior ...............................7

4.1.3 Object Interfaces .................................................7

4.1.4 Identificatoin of I/O Assembly Instances ..............7

4.1.5 Format of I/O Assembly Data Attributes ..............8

4.2 Standard Objects ..........................................................9

4.2.1 Identity Object (Class ID = 1) ..............................9

4.2.2 Message Router Object (Class ID = 2) ................9

4.2.3 DeviceNet Object (Class ID = 3) .........................9

4.2.4 Connection Object (Class ID = 5) ........................9

4.2.5 Parameter Object (Class ID = 15) .......................11

4.3 Application Specific Objects ........................................17

4.3.1 Position Object (Class ID = 100) .........................17

4.3.2 Setpoint Object (Class ID = 101) .........................17

4.3.3 RPM Object (Class ID = 102) ..............................17

4.4 Configuration Notes ......................................................18

Appendix .................................................. 19

Product and EMC Specifications, Approvals ....................19

This manual will instruct the user in programming

the GEMCO DeviceNet Resolver based products. It

is intended to cover the DeviceNet Resolver related

items only. Other, product specific, information may

be available in separate literature shipped with the


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