HighPoint RocketRAID 4460 User Manual

Page 47

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HighPoint RAID Management and Device Driver CD

Debian/Ubuntu Linux Distributions – Installing the Web-based

Management Utility

For Debian/Ubuntu Linux distributions, you can use alien to convert the rpm pack-

ages to a .deb package, then use “dpkg -i” command to install each package. Some

script files may be lost during the conversion process from rpm to .deb, so you may

need to make manual corrections.

The following files will be installed/configured:

/usr/bin/hptsvr - service program

/etc/hptcfg - service config file

/etc/rc.d/init.d/hptdaemon - service control script

/usr/share/hpt/webguiroot - data files

If there is no /etc/hptcfg present, you can add it manually using by using the “echo”

command on the driver file name to /etc/hptcfg.

For example:

# echo hptiop.ko >/etc/hptcfg

Linux Distributions – Command Line Interface (CLI)

Command Line interface versions of the RocketRAID management utilities are

available for Linux and FreeBSD operating systems.

These packages are posted on the HighPoint Technologies, Inc. website, under the

BIOS & Driver downloads page for the RocketRAID 4460.

Uninstalling the Utility

Open a terminal, and use the following command:

# rpm -e hptsvr-https