Posey Synthetic Leather Cuffs/Leather Locking Cuffs User Manual
Application instructions, Rx only non-locking cuffs

Posey Company • 5635 Peck Road, Arcadia, CA 91006-0020 USA • www.posey.com
Phone: 1.800.447.6739 or 1.626.443.3143 • Fax: 1.800.767.3933 or 1.626.443.5014
Schiffgraben 41
D-30175 Hannover, Germany
ADVErsE rEActions
• Severe emotional, psychological, or physical problems may occur: if the applied device is uncomfortable; or
if it severely limits movement. If the patient is likely to cause injury to him/herself or others, get help from a
qualified medical authority to find an alternate intervention or method of restraint.
inDicAtions For usE:
• Patients assessed as being in extreme danger of injury to themselves or to
• Patients assessed to be at risk of disrupting life-saving treatments (e.g., chronic
tube pulling).
• Patients assessed to be at risk of line pulling, which may prevent monitoring of
vital signs.
• Patients whose picking, pulling, scratching, or peeling exacerbates a skin
condition, causes self-injury, or compromises wound site integrity.
NEVER use on a patient:
With a dislocation or fracture on the restrained limb; or
If an IV or wound site could be compromised by the device.
See the Posey Catalog for other options for such a patient.
DO NOT use this device on a patient who is or becomes: suicidal; highly aggressive or combative; self-
destructive; or deemed to be an immediate risk to others, UNLESS the patient is under constant supervision.
Applicable Products:
2202, 2203
DEscription oF proDuct: Wrist/ankle restraints for use with violent patients and/or patients who are potentially dangerous to themselves or others.
rx onlY
non-locking cuFFs
© 2009 Posey Company. All rights reserved.
I9239 062109
posEY liMB HolDErs
2202 Leather wrist/ankle cuffs -
Suede lined
2203 Synthetic leather wrist/
ankle cuffs
(Connecting Straps sold separately)
NEEDED (See Posey Catalog):
• If the patient pulls violently against the bed straps;
• To reduce the risk of the patient getting access to the line/wound/
tube site;
• To prevent the patient from flailing or bucking up and down and
causing self-injury.
• Check the patient regularly to ensure that:
Circulation is not impaired. Serious injury may occur if the cuffs
restrict circulation.
Cuffs are secure. Death or serious injury to the patient or others
may occur if the patient can remove the cuffs.
• Posey recommends constant direct supervision for patients deemed to be
at risk of injury to themselves or others. For times when direct supervision
is not possible, monitor by line of sight or by a video/audio device.
• NEVER allow a patient to have access to any tool, utensil, or object
that might be used to unlock or damage cuffs.
• Be aware that a sudden mood swing may cause agitated or
aggressive behavior. Contact the medical team AT ONCE if this
occurs. No level of monitoring may avoid the risk of serious injury to
highly agitated or aggressive patients.
• ALWAYS use Hospital Bed Safety Workgroup
(HBSW) (http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/beds/
modguide.html) compliant side rails in the UP
position and fill ALL gaps to reduce the risk of
• Use side rail covers and gap protectors to help prevent the patient’s
body from going under, around, through or between the side rails. A
failure to do so may result in serious injury or death if a patient
becomes suspended or entrapped. Posey offers a full range of side
rail pads and/or
gap protectors to
cover gaps.
ApplicAtion instructions:
• Before each use, check cuffs and straps for cracks, tears, and/or
excessive wear or stretch; cracked or broken buckles or locks; and/or
that hook and loop adheres securely, as these may allow patient to
remove cuff. Discard if device is damaged.
• If you have any questions about patient safety, ask the appropriate
medical authority for alternatives.
Follow these steps to apply device (repeat steps 1-3 on the other limb):
1. Wrap the cuff around the patient’s limb.
2. Bring the U-bar through the closest vertical slot and then pass the
tongue through the U-bar.
3. Check for proper fit by inserting one finger between the cuffs and the
patient’s wrist or ankles. The cuffs must be snug enough to prevent
escape, but not interfere with circulation.
ApplicAtion instructions: (Connecting Straps) (sold
1. Loop the connecting strap (sold separately) through the U-bar on the
2. Wrap the strap around the juncture of a movable part of the bed frame,
out of the patient’s reach. Ensure that the strap is wrapped around the
frame at least once before passing the end of the strap through the
buckle or lock.
Use extreme caution when using any type of padding with the limb
holder. If the patient pulls violently, the padding may compress and
allow the patient to remove the cuff and cause injury to himself/herself
or others.
MONITOR PER FACILITY POLICY. Check to ensure that:
• Straps cannot slide in any direction, tighten or loosen if the patient
pulls on them, or if the bed is adjusted;
• Cuffs are attached in a way that the patient is not able to use his or
her teeth or otherwise remove the device;
• Cuffs are intact, and not torn or damaged. DO NOT allow patients to
ingest product material.
ADDitionAl sAFEtY AnD lAunDEring
instructions on otHEr siDE