Posey Double Strap Foam Limb Holders User Manual
Application instructions, Rx only limb holders

Posey Company • 5635 Peck Road, Arcadia, CA 91006-0020 USA • www.posey.com
Phone: 1.800.447.6739 or 1.626.443.3143 • Fax: 1.800.767.3933 or 1.626.443.5014
Schiffgraben 41
D-30175 Hannover, Germany
1. Wrap the limb holder cuff around the
patient’s wrist so the metal ring is
on the ulnar side of the wrist
(opposite the thumb) (fig. 1).
2. Secure the hook and loop fastener.
Slide ONE finger (flat) between the
cuff and the inside of the patient’s
wrist to ensure proper fit (fig. 2). The
strap must be snug, but not
compromise circulation.
3. Bring both connecting straps around
the limb, one clockwise and one
counterclockwise, and feed them
through the metal ring.
4. Place the straps together and attach to a single point along
a movable part of the bed frame, out of the patient’s reach,
with quick-release ties.
5. Adjust the bed strap(s) to allow desired freedom of
movement, without compromising patient or caregiver
NOTE: To remove cuffs, untie the straps and release hook and
loop fasteners.
Applicable Products:
2520, 2528
DEscription oF proDuct: Limb holder for limiting limb movement. For bed use only.
rx onlY
liMB HolDErs
© 2009 Posey Company. All rights reserved.
I9215 062209
posEY liMB HolDErs
2520 Double Strap Foam Limb
Holders - 3/8” (1 cm) foam
2528 Double Strap Foam Limb
Holders - 1/4” (5/8 cm) foam
ApplicAtion instructions:
Fig. 2
ADDitionAl sAFEtY AnD lAunDEring
instructions on otHEr siDE
inDicAtions For usE:
• Patients assessed to be at risk of disrupting life-saving treatments (e.g., chronic tube pulling).
• Patients assessed to be at risk of line pulling, which may prevent monitoring of vital signs.
• Patients whose picking, pulling, scratching, or peeling exacerbates a skin condition, causes self-
injury, or compromises wound site integrity.
ADVErsE rEActions
• Severe emotional, psychological, or physical problems may occur: if the applied device is
uncomfortable; or if it severely limits movement. If symptoms of these problems ever appear
for any reason, get help from a qualified medical authority and find a less restrictive, product or
DO NOT use on a patient who is or becomes highly aggressive, combative, agitated, or
MONITOR PER FACILITY POLICY. Check to ensure that:
• Straps cannot slide in any direction or loosen if the patient
pulls on them, or if the bed is adjusted;
• Cuffs are properly secured. If applied too tightly,
circulation will be restricted; if applied too loosely, the
patient may be able to slip his or her limb from the device;
• Cuffs are attached in a way that the patient is not able to
use his or her teeth or otherwise remove the device;
• Cuffs are intact, and not torn or damaged. DO NOT allow
patients to ingest product material.
• If the patient pulls violently against the bed straps;
• To reduce the risk of the patient getting access to the line/
wound/tube site;
• To prevent the patient from flailing or bucking up and
down causing self-injury.
See Posey Catalog.
• ALWAYS use Hospital Bed Safety
Workgroup (HBSW) (http://www.fda.
compliant side rails in the UP position
and fill ALL gaps to reduce the risk of
• Use side rail covers and gap protectors to help prevent the
patient’s body from going under, around, through or
between the side rails. A failure to do so may result in
serious injury or death if a patient becomes suspended or
entrapped. Posey offers a full range of side rail pads and/
or gap protectors to cover gaps.
Before use, check device for damage. Discard if you
have any questions about patient safety.
• DO NOT tie a knot at the metal ring. The knot would be
difficult to untie in an emergency.
• NEVER separate the straps, or triangulate this product. If
the patient pulls, this would allow the restraint to tighten
on the limb and restrict circulation.
ADDitionAl WArnings:
NEVER use on a patient:
With a dislocation or fracture on the restrained limb; or
If an IV or wound site could be compromised by the device.
See the Posey Catalog for other options for such a patient.
Fig. 1