Posey Lateral Stabilizers User Manual
Posey, Wheelchair lateral stabilizers

M1685 052209
Quality Products since 1937
Wheelchair Lateral Stabilizers
Seating and poSitioning
Posey Company • 5635 Peck Road, Arcadia, CA 91006-0020 USA
Phone: 1.800.447.6739 • Fax: 1.800.767.3933 • Web: www.posey.com
© 2009 Posey Company. All rights reserved.
LateraL stabiLizers
Posey Lateral Arm Rest Stabilizers feature medium density foam inserts that
provide cushioning support, while helping control upper torso alignment. Two
lengths available: 11½” (29 cm) to fit desk arm wheelchairs and 16½” (42 cm) to
fit full length arm wheelchairs. Features removable covers that secure with hook
and loop fasteners. Can also be used on the back posts of the wheelchair.
model size
Desk Arm Wheelchairs
6312sc 4”D x 111/2”L (10 cm x 29 cm)
Cylindrical Light Blue Vinyl
6 1/2”D x 111/2”L (17 cm x 29 cm) Flat Top
Navy Blue Cotton/Polyester
8216sc 6 1/2”D x 111/2”L (17 cm x 29 cm) Flat Top
Light Blue Vinyl
Full Length Arm Wheelchairs
6316sc 4”D x 16 1/2”L (10 cm x 42 cm)
Cylindrical Light Blue Vinyl
61/2”D x 16 1/2”L (17 cm x 42 cm) Flat Top
Navy Blue Cotton/Polyester
8212sc 61/2”D x 16 1/2”L (17 cm x 42 cm) Flat Top
Light Blue Vinyl
CLeaning instruCtions (Covers only):
cotton/polyester covers:
vinyl covers:
• Wipe Clean with mild detergent. OSHA approved
intermediate level disinfectants can be used per
manufacturer instructions. DO NOT use phenol
and benzyl based disinfectants.
• After cleaning, products MUST be rinsed with water to remove any
residual chemicals.
• Make sure products are completely dry before use.
Always follow your facility’s policies and procedures for
patient assessment, monitoring and rehabilitation
Inspect before each use: check for broken stitches; or torn,
cut or frayed material. DO NOT use soiled or damaged products.
aPPLiCation instruCtions
1. Pull apart the slit found on the bottom of each Lateral Stabilizer.
2. Slip the Lateral Stabilizer over the wheelchair armrest and release
when in position.
3. Secure stabilizer with the “hook and loop” fastener (8212 and 8216
series only).
Properly dispose of the product per facility’s policy for
storage anD HanDLing
This device is designed for use in normal indoor environments. This
device may be stored in ambient warehouse temperatures at normal
humidity levels. Avoid excess moisture or high humidity that may
damage product materials.