Tools required for install, Before first use of your solar security light, Operating your solar security light – Maxsa Innovations Solar-Powered Aluminum 80 LED Solar Security Light User Manual

Page 4: Time period adjustment (time)

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the angle of the solar cell by gently rotating the solar cell to a different locking

position. Remember to set the panel to face direct sunlight exposure, optimally

facing south.

tooLS rEquIrED for InStALL

install simply with just a Phillips head screwdriver!

bEforE fIrSt uSE of your SoLAr SEcurIty LIght

1. charge the batteries with the power switch on the main body of your solar

flood light in the off position.

2. leave the switch in this position for 3 days with the solar panel placed in direct

light. this will ensure that the batteries in your solar flood light have a full

charge prior to normal operation.

opErAtIng your SoLAr SEcurIty LIght

after the initial 3 day charge of your solar security light, move the switch on the

main body to the auto position. your solar security light is now ready for use.
the metal part right above the motion sensor can be rotated clockwise and

counterclockwise to show or hide the 3 adjustment dials (tiMe / sens / luX).
all 3 of these adjustment dials have been preset as follows:

tiMe - set at 30 seconds

sens - set at a 10 - 15 foot range (when the surrounding temperature is 75 f).

luX - set for your security light to activate at dusk when motion is detected.

if the above settings are not suitable for your application, then these may be

adjusted using the steps below.
When ready to use, turn the adjustment dials to face the wall and have the arrow

on the bottom facing the front.

tIME pErIoD ADjuStMEnt (tIME)

the time period control sets the duration that the solar security light will remain

illuminated after the last detected motion. the time period is adjustable between

10 seconds to 1 min. the shortest time period is with the tiMe control set fully