Choosing a location for your solar security light, How to install – Maxsa Innovations Solar-Powered Aluminum 80 LED Solar Security Light User Manual

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chooSIng A LocAtIon for your SoLAr SEcurIty LIght

solar security light is ideal for areas where safety and security around your home

is needed, including entrance doors, driveways, carports, garages, decks, and

porches. it is also perfect for use in RV’s and other remote areas where electricity

is not available.
this solar security light is ideal for areas where electricity is not available —

including driveways, carports, garages and entrance doors – for safety and

security around your home.
When deciding where to mount the light, keep in mind that the motion sensor has

a field of vision of 130º (horizontal) at a distance of 40 feet when the surrounding

temperature is 75f. the outside temperature will impact the detection distance.

how to InStALL



installing the light: your solar motion light works best when installed vertically. to

install the light onto a solid surface, remove the screw on the side of your light

and slide the metal mounting bracket out of your light. screw the metal mounting

bracket onto a surface using the 2 supplied screws (and the wall hangers if

needed). after the bracket is secured, slide the main body of your light back onto

the metal mounting bracket and tighten the screw that holds the mounting bracket

to the light.

installing the Panel: use the four wood/sheet metal screws supplied (and the wall

hangers if needed)to mount the solar panel onto a solid surface. you can adjust