Rosendahl bonsaiDRIVE User Manual
Page 8

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7. Basic Functions
With the REMOTE button the serial communication to the recorder
can be switched over to an external Sony P2 controller connected to
When the REMOTE switch is on (LED lit), the recorder is connected
to the external controller on C24 and all functions of the bonsaidrive
remote panel are deactivated.
When the REMOTE switch is off (LED unlit), the remote panel of the
bonsaidrive is activated and the external controller on C24 is ignored.
The MENU button switches the on-screen menu on and off. The
button is lit with the menu on.
When the MENU is off (LED notlit), the eight buttons on the left are
used for controlling the deck.
Direct Button Functions:
Playback forwards 100% nominal speed
Playback backwards 100% nominal speed
[LOC 1] Recorder stops and goes to locate position 1
[LOC 2] Recorder stops and goes to locate position 2
In stopframe mode: 1 frame forwards or clip number ++
(see also menu 075 [+] / [–] keys function)
In playback mode: increase playback speed
In stopframe mode: 1 frame back or clip number --
(see also menu 075 [+] / [–] keys function)
In playback mode: decrease playback speed
[RECORD] no function as direct button
Locate 1 and Locate 2 are storable (timecode) positions that serve to
fast return to or loop to a particular position in a recording.
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Additional button functions are activated by using the stop button [
as a shift button. Hold down the stop button and press the second
button as required.
Stop Shift Functions:
] + [
Fast forward (64x speed)
] + [
Fast rewind (64x speed)
] + [+]
Slow motion forwards
] + [–]
Slow motion reverse
] + [LOC 1]
Go to clip start, end of previous clip…
] + [LOC 2]
Go to clip end, start of next clip…
] + [MENU]
Switch off unit (Standby)
Instead of a power on/off switch the bonsaidrive has a power down
mode in which the harddrive is put into sleep mode and all AD/DA
converters are switched off. The machine is “woken up” by pressing
any button on the control panel.
Note: the REMOTE button must be off (LED off).
By using the record [RECORD] button as shift, the following functions
can be activated. Press record then the second button as indicated
Record Shift Functions:
[RECORD] + [
Electronic entry (EE)
[RECORD] + [LOC 1] Sets locate position 1
[RECORD] + [LOC 2] Sets locate position 2
[RECORD] + [
Start crash or insert recording
(to enter insert recording the transport must
be in locked playback condition)