GReddy AERO KITS: Nissan 2003-07 350Z GT Aero Front Bumper User Manual

Page 9

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< 350Z Side Skirt Install ation

350Z Side Skirt Install ation

350Z Side Skirt Install ation

350Z Side Skirt Install ation>

This product is meant to fit Nissan 350Z only. Please check the parts before mounting.

Parts List

Left & Right Side Skirts





1 Each

Gromm et

Gromm et

Gromm et

Gromm et














Rem ove the f actory si de ski rt accor di ng to the factory repai r manual specifi cat ions.

Rem ove the f actory si de ski rt accor di ng to the factory repai r manual specifi cat ions.

Rem ove the f actory si de ski rt accor di ng to the factory repai r manual specifi cat ions.

Rem ove the f actory si de ski rt accor di ng to the factory repai r manual specifi cat ions.

Rem ove al l fact

Rem ove al l fact

Rem ove al l fact

Rem ove al l fact ory bolts and cli ps, i ncl udi ng those along the door.

ory bolts and cli ps, i ncl udi ng those along the door.

ory bolts and cli ps, i ncl udi ng those along the door.

ory bolts and cli ps, i ncl udi ng those along the door.


Attach the GReddy side skirt in place of the factory side skirt using the supplied and factory hardware as shown by the

Attach the GReddy side skirt in place of the factory side skirt using the supplied and factory hardware as shown by the

Attach the GReddy side skirt in place of the factory side skirt using the supplied and factory hardware as shown by the

Attach the GReddy side skirt in place of the factory side skirt using the supplied and factory hardware as shown by the

im age.

im age.

im age.

im age.

Instal lation is compl et e.

Instal lation is compl et e.

Instal lation is compl et e.

Instal lation is compl et e.


Th is job is re c omme n de d for 2 pe ople .


Ple ase c h e c k f itme n t by mou n tin g th e produ c t be fore pain t in g.

Not e

Be su re t o u se a su rf ac e de gr e ase r an d san d t h e mate rial be fore applyin g prime r an d pain t.