GReddy AERO KITS: Nissan 2003-07 350Z GT Aero Front Bumper User Manual
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< 350Z Front Bumper Install ation
350Z Front Bumper Install ation
350Z Front Bumper Install ation
350Z Front Bumper Install ation>
This product is meant to fit Nissan 350Z only. Please check the parts before mounting.
Parts List
Front Bumper Cover
M ounti ng Procedure
M ounti ng Procedure
M ounti ng Procedure
M ounti ng Procedure
Please follow the manufact ur er’s r epair manual for proper fr ont bumper cover removal procedure.
Please follow the manufact ur er’s r epair manual for proper fr ont bumper cover removal procedure.
Please follow the manufact ur er’s r epair manual for proper fr ont bumper cover removal procedure.
Please follow the manufact ur er’s r epair manual for proper fr ont bumper cover removal procedure.
( ※
※ Remove the side bracket from the OEM
Remove the side bracket from the OEM
Remove the side bracket from the OEM
Remove the side bracket from the OEM bumper.
bumper. )
( ※
※ Remove the impact foam from the fr ont of the bum per.
Remove the impact foam from the fr ont of the bum per.
Remove the impact foam from the fr ont of the bum per.
Remove the impact foam from the fr ont of the bum per. )
Instal l the side bracket ont o the G T bum per by r eversi ng t he steps used to remove it.
Instal l the side bracket ont o the G T bum per by r eversi ng t he steps used to remove it.
Instal l the side bracket ont o the G T bum per by r eversi ng t he steps used to remove it.
Instal l the side bracket ont o the G T bum per by r eversi ng t he steps used to remove it.
Instal l the GT bumper using the factory cli ps and screws to the or iginal locat ions.
Instal l the GT bumper using the factory cli ps and screws to the or iginal locat ions.
Instal l the GT bumper using the factory cli ps and screws to the or iginal locat ions.
Instal l the GT bumper using the factory cli ps and screws to the or iginal locat ions.
This completes the
This completes the
This completes the
This completes the install ation.
install ation.
install ation.
install ation.
Note 1
Th is job is re c omme n de d f or 2 pe ople .
Note 2
Te mporar ily in stall th e bu mpe r to c h e c k fitme n t be f ore pain tin g.