Actron CP7951 User Manual
Full one (1) year warranty, Garantia completa por un (1) año, Un (1) an de garantie complète

Hour Meter
receptacle iNsulator
this hour meter provides a precise, tamper-proof
record for determining the operating period of an
engine in elapsed hours. it is non-erasable, and
produces the perfect service reminder for preven-
tive maintenance.
Hour meters are mainly used for monitoring the
running time of off-road vehicles and machinery.
they are useful for recording maintenance time,
warranty time, service records and rental use
the display shows the elapsed time whenever the
ignition key is in any position except oFF, but incre-
ments time only when the engine is running.
1. read the entire instructions for your meter
before proceeding.
2. Be sure the meter is suitable for your applica-
3. it is recommended that the battery ground
cable be disconnected before any electrical
work is performed, especially when installing
the hour meter.
4. route all wiring away from linkages, high heat
or moving parts.
5. Never smoke while working on your vehicle
and always keep a fire extinguisher nearby.
it should be rated for gas/chemical/electrical
6. Never lay tools on top of the battery or wear
jewelry during electrical work to avoid severe
electrical shorts.
1. choose a location to mount the meter.
2. if you are creating a hole, use a 2 1/16 in.
vehicle are well grounded. this wire should be
long enough to reach the hour meter’s mounting
5. connect the second length of 18-gauge wire
to a vehicle circuit where the wire will receive
power whenever the ignition key is in any posi-
tion except oFF. this wire should also be long
enough to reach the hour meter.
6. connect the third length of 18-gauge wire to
a vehicle circuit where the wire will receive
power only when the engine is running. this
wire should also be long enough to reach the
hour meter.
7. place receptacle insulators on each of the
three 18-gauge wires (meter side), strip wire
insulation, attach receptacles to the wires,
and push the receptacle insulators over the
8. after mounting the meter, connect the re-
ceptacle of the wire from the ground source
(step 4) to the hour meter’s spade terminal
marked “–”.
9. connect the receptacle of the wire from the
power source (step 5) to the hour meter’s
spade terminal marked “+”.
10. connect the receptacle of the wire from the
control power source (step 6) to the hour
meter’s spade terminal marked “coNtrol”.
11. reconnect the battery ground cable. as you
do, watch for sparks and check if the wiring
you worked with is becoming warm. if either
condition is noted, iMMeDiatelY disconnect
the battery ground cable and read the trouble-
shooting section.
1. if, when you reconnected the battery ground
cable, you noticed sparks or any of the wiring
becoming warm, check that all connections are
properly located, and insulated from ground-
2. if the meter display does not turn on, or the
reading does not increase after more than 6
minutes (1/10 h) of engine running, recheck
connections and make sure that the recep-
tacles are not crossed and power is applied to
the correct meter terminals.
3. Disconnect the ground cable from the bat-
4. connect a length of 18-gauge insulated copper
wire (not included) to a good ground source.
Be sure the grounding surface is a good ground
source as not all metal surfaces inside the
2005 spX
sunpro, a business unit of spX
15825 industrial parkway
cleveland, ohio 44135
© 2005 sunpro, a business unit of spX
sunpro, a business unit of spX, 15825 industrial parkway, cleveland, ohio 44135, warrants to the user that this
unit will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of original
any unit that fails within this period will be repaired or replaced at sunpro’s option and without charge when re-
turned to the Factory. sunpro requests that a copy of the original, dated sales receipt be returned with the unit to
determine if the warranty period is still in effect.
this warranty does not apply to damages caused by accident, alterations, or improper or unreasonable use. ex-
pendable items, such as batteries, fuses, lamp bulbs, flash tubes are also excluded from this warranty.
sunpro, a business unit of spX DisclaiMs aNY liaBilitY For iNciDeNtal or coNseQueNtial DaMages
For BreacH oF aNY WritteN WarraNtY oN tHe uNit. some states do not allow the disclaimer of liability
for incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimer may or may not apply to you. this warranty gives
specific legal rights, and you may also have rights which vary from state to state.
sunpro, a business unit of spX, 15825 industrial parkway, cleveland, ohio 44135, garantiza al usuario que esta
unidad estará libre de defectos de materiales y mano de obra por un período de un (1) año a partir de la fecha
original de compra.
toda unidad que falle dentro de este período será reparada o reemplazada a la opción de sunpro y sin cargo
cuando sea devuelta a la fábrica. sunpro requiere que se devuelva una copia del recibo original fechado de
compra con la unidad, para determinar si el período de garantía está todavía en efecto.
Esta garantía no se aplica a daños causados por accidentes, modificaciones, o uso inadecuado o irrazonable.
Los artículos descartables tales como pilas, fusibles, bulbos de lámparas, tubos flash se excluyen también de
esta garantía.
sunpro, a business unit of spX Niega cualQuier respoNsaBiliDaD por perJuicios iNciDeNtales
o coNsecueNtes por ViolacioN De cualQuier garaNtia escrita para la uNiDaD. algunos
estados no permiten la negación de responsabilidad por perjuicios incidentales o consecuentes, de manera que
la negativa anterior puede o no aplicarse a usted. Esta garantía otorga derechos legales específicos, y usted
puede tener también derechos que pueden variar de estado a estado.
No ValiDa éN MeXico
© 2005 sunpro, a business unit of spX
sunpro, a business unit of spX, 15825 industrial parkway, cleveland, ohio 44135, garantit à l’utilisateur que cet
appareil sera exempt de tout défaut lié aux matériaux ou à la main d’œuvre pendant une période de un (1) an à
compter de la date d’achat d’origine.
Toute unité qui tomberait en panne durant cette période sera réparée ou remplacée, au choix d’Sunpro, et sans
frais si elle a été retournée à l’usine. Sunpro demande qu’une copie de la facture d’achat d’origine datée soit
retournée avec l’appareil pour contrôler que la période de garantie est toujours effective.
Cette garantie ne s’applique pas aux dommages causés par accident, modifications ou utilisation inadéquate ou
hors du raisonnable. Les éléments consommables, tels que piles, fusibles, ampoules ou tubes fluorescents sont
également exclus de cette garantie.
sunpro, a business unit of spX reJette toute respoNsaBilité pour DoMMages accessoires ou
iNDirects pour MaNQueMeNt À N’iMporte Quelle garaNtie écrite sur cette uNité. certains
états ne permettent pas le déni de responsabilité pour dommages accessoires ou indirects, cette clause peut donc
n’être pas applicable dans votre cas. Cette garantie vous octroie des droits légaux spécifiques, et vous pouvez
aussi avoir des droits supplémentaires qui varient d’un état à l’autre.
© 2005 sunpro, a business of spX