Actron AutoAnalyzer CP7665 User Manual
Operating instructions, Index, Cp7665

Safety Precautions .................................. 2
Vehicle Service Information .................... 3
Visual Inspection ..................................... 3
Electrical Specifications ........................ 32
Warranty ................................................ 96
1. Multimeter Basic Functions
Functions and Display Definitions ...... 4
Setting the Range ............................... 6
Battery and Fuse Replacement .......... 7
Measuring DC Voltage ........................ 8
Measuring AC Voltage ........................ 8
Measuring Resistance ........................ 9
Measuring DC Current ...................... 10
Testing Diodes .................................. 11
Testing Batteries ............................... 12
2. Automotive Testing with the CP7665
General Testing ................................. 13
- Testing Fuses ................................. 13
- Testing Switches ............................. 13
- Testing Solenoids and Relays ........ 14
Starting / Charging System Testing . 15
- No Load Battery Test ...................... 15
- Engine Off Battery Current Draw ... 16
- Cranking Voltage/Battery Load Test . 17
- Voltage Drops ................................. 18
- Charging System Voltage Test ...... 19
Ignition System Testing .................... 21
- Ignition Coil Testing ........................ 21
- Ignition System Wires ..................... 23
- Magnetic Pick-Up Coils .................. 24
- Reluctance Sensors ........................ 24
Fuel System Testing ......................... 25
- Measuring Fuel Injector Resistance .. 25
Testing Engine Sensors .................... 27
- Oxygen (O
) Type Sensors............. 27
- Temperature Type Sensors ............ 29
- Position Type Sensors –
Throttle and EGR Valve Position,
Vane Air Flow .................................. 30
Instrucciones en español .... 33
Instructions en français....... 65