Telenav for Nextel Supported Devices: v4.1 for BlackBerry 7100i User Manual
Page 27

© TELENAV 2003-5
PAGE 27 OF 35
Picking a Business
Your BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ administrator can set voice network access policies to challenge your
attempting to use this voice call feature, or deny it altogether. If challenged, you must grant TeleNav access to the
voice network for this feature to work.
There are also application navigation options. You can go back and change the category used in the search, or
change the anchor point (the address where the search is centered). You can also leave the Finder, and return to
the TeleNav home menu.
If the search succeeds, you will be presented with a list of businesses that are
near the search point, or within the search area you specified. For searches
conducted around a point, the mileage (as the crow flies) from the point to the
business is included. The last entry is the Next option – use ESCape to return to
pages you have already seen.
If the search fails, a pop-up will be presented showing that nothing was found,
and you have the option of accepting an expanded area search. If you do not
act, the search will be expanded automatically. Searches do not expand
beyond 24 km/15 miles from the initial reference point.
After you highlight and pick a specific business from the list of matches, you will
see a Business Detail screen that shows: a) the name of the business, b) the
street address, c) the phone number, d) the distance from the search point, and
e) optionally more information about the business.
Press the trackwheel for the options that are: 1) drive to the address, 2) save the
business address for later, 3) obtain a map around the business location, or 4)
call it using your Nextel phone (requires a calling plan).
If you Save It, the address is added to the Recent Stops list. If you Map It, you
will be presented with a map of the area surrounding the business address. The
Call it feature is only present if a phone number is shown on the details page.
If you choose Call it, the phone number will appear on your phone’s calling
screen, and then the call will be placed. When the call ends, you will be
returned to the Business Detail screen. The calling option will not be available if
you are already on another call.