Telenav for Nextel Supported Devices: v4.1 for BlackBerry 7100i User Manual
Page 15

© TELENAV 2003-5
PAGE 15 OF 35
The Favorites list appears to be similar to the Recent Stops list when it is displayed. Favorite addresses are
expressly marked to be saved, and should be labeled. When the 26 element capacity of the Favorites list is
exceeded, the least recently used address in the list is replaced by the address being added, and the preceding
order of the list is preserved. When Favorites are deleted, vacancies will appear in the list. Prune the list
periodically to avoid an address you want to keep from being replaced. Many TeleNav users enter their home and
work addresses in the Address Input Form shown above with a label, and then check the Save to Favorites option
so they can easily reuse the addresses later.
Favorites is where you can label and keep your Home, Work, Health Club, and other addresses. Since the
list does not reorganize, you will soon learn which alphabetic key is associated with the addresses that are
important in your life allowing you to select them quickly.
Recent Cities
The Recent Cities list is automatically extracted from the Recent Stops. Selecting a recent city transfers the city
and state to the Address Input form so all you need to do is add the street address. Another quick way to enter an
address is to use the ZIP code instead of the city and state.
Keying in an Address
The form allows you to specify a street address as, “123 Johnson St”, or an intersection as “Johnson at Main”.
Note the use of AT or AND in an intersection specification. There is provision for an optional label, such as “mikes
office”. The label field ignores certain punctuation symbols.
Entering city/state or ZIP code is mandatory. With the street address omitted, the use of city/state or ZIP will
specify a point in the center of the selected locale.
If you select a Recent City using the Address Selector, the selected city and state information are transferred to the
form allowing you to quickly add a new street address. If you select an address from Address Book, the address is
passed to the form so that you can edit it if TeleNav cannot use it “as is”. Any edits you make are NOT passed
back to the Address Book.
TeleNav uses standard 2-letter USPS abbreviations for states. When this page opens, the last used
USPS code is shown. The process of converting partial state names from the Address Book to USPS codes
correctly is not guaranteed owing to the complexity of handling thousands of variations.
Press the trackwheel to get more Help for each row in this form. Use the
trackwheel to move between rows. Use the Enter key to advance down the
rows of the form. When you press Enter and the entry caret is in the Label
field, the content will be submitted to the TeleNav servers for validation. The
same is true when you select Submit on the trackwheel menu.
There is provision for an optional label, such as “mikes office”. The label field rejects attempts to enter certain
punctuation symbols. Coaching for the use of each row is available using the trackwheel menu Help selection.
You can advance through this form after entering data using the Enter key. Power users often use the Enter
key to progress through the application, and the trackwheel to make selections. Other power users navigate
principally using the trackwheel.
Footer text describes
the purpose of each