Pypes Performance Exhaust STD010 User Manual

1994-1997.5 Ford 7.3L F250-F350
3” Downpipe / 4” Turbo-back - 409 SS
Tools needed: 9/16” end wrench or socket, 7/16” deep socket, hacksaw
or sawzall, aerosol lubricant.
(If your vehicle is equipped with a catalytic converter, it is unlawful
to remove.)
Removal of Original System
1) Start under the hood. Remove the band clamp that holds the down pipe to the turbo charger by loosening the nut on the “T”
bolt and prying the clamp loose at the 3 pinch points. Save this clamp for re-use.
2) The stock down pipe must be cut, halfway up, near the bell housing. Remove the top portion from under the hood and the
bottom section from under the vehicle.
3) From under the truck, cut the intermediate pipe 4” behind the catalytic converter. Unbolt the catalytic converter from the
down pipe and set it aside. The new performance system is designed to re-use the catalytic converter.
4) Cut the tail pipe just behind the muffler.
5) Spray the stock hanger points with aerosol lube and pry rubber mounts from the system. Leave the rubber mounts attached to
the truck for re-use.
6) Remove the old system.
Installation of New Performance System
(Hint: Do not fully tighten any clamps until the complete system is installed and aligned.)
1) From under the truck, locate the horizontal firewall/body seam that runs near the bell housing. This area needs to be bent
away from the bell housing using a large pry bar or port-a-power to allow the new down pipe to fit. (For quicker install, cut
the seam in two or three places and then bend it outward.)
2) From under the hood, install the top down pipe onto the turbo.
3) From under the truck, install the lower down pipe onto the top down pipe using a bare clamp.
4) Bolt the catalytic converter onto the outlet of the lower down pipe.
5) Attach the adapter to the outlet of the catalytic converter with the bare clamp.
6) Hang the muffler in the stock location using the hanger clamp on the inlet and the hanger clamp on the outlet. This
determines the placement of the rest of the system.
7) Measure between the outlet of the adapter and the inlet of the muffler. Add 5” to this measurement for the slip-joints and cut
the straight pipe to fit. Install the cut pipe between the adapter and the muffler with a bare clamp at the front and using the
hanger clamp that is already on the muffler inlet. On longer models it may be necessary to use the extra straight pipe in
addition to the other straight pipe. Connect these with a bare clamp.
8) Install the first tail pipe into the outlet of the muffler using the hanger clamp that is already on the muffler inlet. Rotate the
pipe as needed to pass next to the shock absorber and over the rear axle.
9) Install the second tail pipe into the outlet of the first tail pipe with a bare clamp. Rotate as needed to level the outlet behind
the right rear tire. Attach the hanger clamp in the stock location.
10) Starting at the turbo, align and tighten all the pipes and clamps. Start the engine and check for leaks.
Pypes Performance Exhaust
2705 Clemens Road Bldg 105A Hatfield, PA 19440
800-421-3890 (voice) 267-638-3507 (fax)