Pypes Performance Exhaust SFM62SS User Manual

SFM62SS: 2005-10 GT 409 Stainless Axle-back Muffler Delete, 4” tip.
Thanks again for purchasing your new stainless steel Pypes Performance
Exhaust 05-10 Ford Mustang Axle-back system. Please be sure to confirm
all the components in the kit were received in your shipment before begin-
ning installation. These kits include your new Axle-Back Muffler Delete
System w/ 4” polished stainless rolled edge tips and a four band clamps. If
you find any components missing, please contact our office at 800-421-3890
for replacement. Installation of these kits will require a few simple tools: jack
stands, 13mm & 15mm wrenches and penetrating oil. For a quicker and
tighter installation, air tools are recommended. Technical assistance is avail-
able both online at or 800-421-3890.
Pypes Performance Exhaust
2705 Clemens Road Bldg 105A Hatfield, PA 19440
800-421-3890 (voice) 267-638-3507 (fax)
(A) Muffler Delete
1. Begin by placing the vehicle on a lift or four jack stands at maximum height. This will aid in an easier installation.
2. Unbolt the factory band clamps (15mm wrench) connecting your factory axle-back to your mid-pipes. Soaking your factory
mounting points with penetrating oil will allow for easier removal. Next, remove all the bolts (13 mm wrench) connecting the factory
hangers to the frame rails. Now, drop both sides out from under the car.
3. It’s time to install your new axle-back muffler delete system. Begin by installing the two band clamps on to the axle-back muf-
fler necks. Place the factory hanger in the right configuration on to the welded wire forms on the axle-backs. Slide the expanded necks
on to the mid-pipes, and then bolt the hangers back on to the frame rails. Once all the hanger bolts are tight slide the 4” tips on to the
end of the tailpipe with a band clamp, adjust to your liking and tighten. Be sure to check all the connection points periodically, as they
may come loose.
Note: If you find the new tips are not aligned properly in the bumper cutouts, you may need to adjust your factory mid-pipes by
loosening the two band clamps located where your factory h-pipe meets the mid-pipes. A slight rotation of the mid pipes will allow for
the best fit.
Now it’s time to fire up that muscle car and enjoy your
new Pypes Performance Exhaust.