Pypes Performance Exhaust HFM26 User Manual
Hfm23, Hfm23 / hfm26

1. Begin by disconnecting your negative cable from your battery, as you will need
to unplug and remove your O2 sensor harnesses. Place the vehicle on a lift or four jack
stands at maximum height. This will aid in an easier installation. Note: Make sure to
support your mid-pipes just past the connection point between the factory h-pipe.
2. Unbolt the factory band clamps connecting your h-pipe to your mid-pipes.
Soaking your factory mounting points with penetrating oil will allow for easier removal.
Next, disconnect your three 02 sensors from the factory wiring harness and remove
them from the h-pipe using a 22mm wrench. Last, remove the four bolts at the manifold/
header end. Slide the h-pipe out of the factory hangers and remove.
3. Now it’s time to install your new h-pipe. Begin by installing the driver and pas-
senger legs of the h-pipe first. The leg with the two O2 sensor holes is the passenger
side. Now install the rear h-pipe into the factory hangers. Don’t forget to slide the 1”
wide band clamps onto the expanded portion of the h-pipe. The welded area of the wire
forms should face the ground or be on the bottom. The 2-1/4 “ u-clamp is used to clamp
the center portion of the “h” together. Welding of this pipe is highly recommended.
4. Complete the install: Snug the two clamps at the slip joints between the down-
pipes and the h-pipe. Make all final adjustments to the h-pipe and tighten all the clamps.
Don’t forget to reinstall the factory band clamps at the rear connection between the
h-pipe and the mid-pipes.
5. Last install your three 02 sensors and reconnect them to the factory harness.
After all the connections are tight, start the engine. Check and listen for any leaks.
Make sure to check your connections periodically as they may come loose.
Note: On some years, the manifold connection will not seal even with the sleeves inserted into the downpipe legs. If this
problem occurs, you must back out the factory studs and install (2) HELP/Motormite stud kit # 03102.
HFM23 / HFM26
409 Stainless Steel 05-10 Ford Mustang GT H-pipes
HFM23: 2005-10 GT Modular Off-Road H-pipe
HFM26: 2005-10 GT Modular Street-Legal H-pipe
Thanks again for purchasing your new 409 stainless steel Pypes Perfor-
mance Exhaust 05-10 Ford Mustang GT H-pipe. Please be sure to confirm
all the components in the kit were received in your shipment before begin-
ning installation. These kits will include your new h-pipe with 02 bungs and
installation hardware. If you find any component missing, please contact our
office at 800-421-3890 for replacement. Installation of this kit will require
a few simple hand tools, a cutting device and penetrating oil. For a quicker
and tighter installation, air tools are recommended. Technical assistance is
available both online at or 800-421-3890.
Pypes Performance Exhaust
2705 Clemens Road Bldg 105A Hatfield, PA 19440
800-421-3890 (voice) 267-638-3507 (fax)
(A) Front Legs
(B) H-pipe Assembly
HFM26: (HFM23 & CVM10K)
1. Begin by disconnecting your negative cable from your battery, as you will need to unplug and remove your O2 sensor
harnesses. Place the vehicle on a lift or four jack stands at maximum height. This will aid in an easier installation. Note: Make
sure to support your mid-pipes just past the connection point between the factory h-pipe.
2. Unbolt the factory band clamps connecting your h-pipe to your mid-pipes. Soaking your factory mounting points
with penetrating oil will allow for easier removal. Next, disconnect your three 02 sensors from the factory wiring harness and
remove them from the h-pipe using a 22mm wrench. Last, remove the four bolts at the manifold/header end. Slide the h-pipe
out of the factory hangers and remove.
3. Since you are using this as a street legal h-pipe, you will need to cut 9-1/2 inches off the rear sections of the down-
pipes to install the cats. Also make sure the O2 bung on the drivers leg and the rear bung on the passenger leg are plugged
and tight as the new cats will accept the O2 sensors.
4. Now it’s time to install your new h-pipe. Begin by installing the driver and passenger front legs of the h-pipe first. The
leg with the two O2 sensor holes is the passenger side. Slide the 1” wide band clamps on the slotted portion of the catalytic
converters. Slide converters over the down-pipes. Next slide the last two 1” wide band clamps on to the expanded front por-
tion of the h-pipe. Now install the rear h-pipe into the factory hangers. The welded area of the wire forms should face the
ground or be on the bottom.
5. Complete the install: Make all final adjustments to the h-pipe and tighten all the clamps. Don’t forget to reinstall the
factory band clamps at the rear connection between the h-pipe and the midpipes.
6. Last install your three 02 sensors and reconnect them to the factory harness. You rear tow O2 sensors will thread
directly into the bungs in the rear of the catalytic converters. After all the connections are tight, start the engine. Check and
listen for any leaks. Make sure to check your connections periodically as they may come loose. Available is an optional cat
delete kit for, $20.00 shipped to an address in the continental 48 states, if you wish to convert back to an off-road h-pipe in
the future.
Now it’s time to fire up that muscle car and enjoy your new Pypes Performance Exhaust.