FanAm MD60 AC Drive User Manual
Page 74

MD60 AC Drive User Manual
Sets the analog input level that corresponds to Minimum Freq.
(P034) if a 0-10V input is used by Speed Reference (P038).
Analog inversion can be accomplished by setting this value larger
than Anlg In 0-10V Hi (A111) or by setting Digital Inx Sel (A051-
A052) to option 26 “Anlg Invert.”
Parameters A110 and A111 enable scaling of the 0 - 10 V analog
input. The drive reaches maximum frequency at the voltage setting
in parameter A111. The value is based on 10V. Therefore, to set the
maximum frequency at 9 V, set A110 to 90%.
Use parameter d020 (0 - 10 V Analog Input) to verify the analog
input signal.
Setting this parameter to a value less than 0 - 10 V Analog Input
Low (A110) inverts the analog signal.
A110 0 - 10 V Analog Input Lo
0.0 to 100.0%
See also:
A111, d020
P035 [Maximum Freq]
P034 [Minimum Freq]
A110 [Anlg In 0-10V Lo]
A111 [Anlg In 0-10V Hi]
Speed Reference
A111 0 - 10 V Analog Input High
0.0 to 100.0%
See also:
A110, d020