American Fibertek Commander C10e/C10e-I/C10p/C10p-I User Manual

Page 72

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The probe’s internal humidity sensor reports values of relative humidity from 0 to 100%. The
reported value is displayed on the Probe setup screen. Warning and alarm settings are the same as
for temperature.

Save Probe Settings/ Probe Restore

Probe Set Up: Save
To save the set up click the save button and the
following screen will appear. Click OK to save

Verification of settings:
Follow the steps in the Verification Box after
clicking OK, wait 30 seconds and click your
web browser refresh button

Probe Restore
This setting restores probes to their default
settings. Clicking on Restore Probe will display
an alert box asking the operator to confirm.
Click OK to restore the probe to defaults. Click
Cancel to return to the previous screen

Probe Restore Verification:
Once the probe has reported to Commander that
its settings have returned to default, it will issue
an alert “Probe set to Default Successful”
message box.