More about your printer and supplies – HP Deskjet 832c Printer User Manual
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More About Your Printer and Supplies
Germany: 07031-145444
Fax: 07031-141395
Hewlett-Packard GmbH, HP Express Support
Ersatzteil-Verkauf, Herrenberger Str. 130
International Sales Branch: (41) 22 780 4111
Fax: (41) 22 780-4770
Hewlett-Packard S. A., ISB
39, rue de Veyrot
Italy: 02/9212.2336/2475
Fax: 02/92101757
Hewlett-Packard Italiana S. P. A.
Ufficio Parti di ricambio
Via G. Di Vittorio, 9
20063 Cernusco s/N (MI)
Japan: (03) 3335-8333
Hewlett-Packard Japan Ltd.
29-21 Takaido-Higashi 3-chome, sugninami-ku
Tokyo 168-8585
Latin America Headquarters: (305) 267-4220
Fax: (305) 267-4247
5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 950
Miami, FL 33126
Mexico: (52 5) 258-4600
Fax: (54 1) 258-4362
Hewlett-Packard de México, S.A. de C.V
Prolongación Reforma #470
Colonia Lomas de Santa Fe, C.P. 01210 México,
Netherlands: 0 33 450 1808
Fax: 0 33 456 0891
Hewlett-Packard Nederland B. V.,
Parts Direct Service
Basicweg 10
Norway: 22735926
Fax: 22735611
Hewlett-Packard Norge A/S, Express Support
Drammensveien 169-171
0212 Oslo
Austria - South-East Area: (43-0222) 25 000,
ext. 755
Fax: (43-0222) 25 000, ext. 610
Hewlett-Packard Ges.m.b.H.
Lieblg. 1
A-1222 Wien
Spain: 1 6 31 14 81
Fax: 1 6 31 12 74
Hewlett-Packard Espanola S.A.
Departamento de Venta de Piezas
Ctra N-VI, Km. 16,500
28230 LAS ROZAS, Madrid
Sweden: 8-4442239
Fax: 8-4442116
Hewlett-Packard Sverige AB
Skalholtsgatan 9, Box 19
164 93 KISTA
Switzerland: 056/279 286
Fax: 056/279 280
Elbatex Datentechnik AG
Schwimmbastrasse 45, 5430 WETTINGEN
United Kingdom
+44 1765 690061, Fax: +44 1765 690731
Express Terminals, 47 Allhallowgate
Ripon, North Yorkshire
+44 181 568 7100, Fax: +44 181 568 7044
Parts First, Riverside Works
Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 7BY
+44 1734 521587, Fax: +44 1734 521712
Westcoast, 28-30 Richfield Avenue
Reading, Berkshire, RG1 8BJ
United States: (800) 227-8164
Venezuela: (58 2) 239-4244/4133
Fax: (58 2) 207-8014
Hewlett-Packard de Venezuela C.A.
Tercera Transversal de Los Ruices Norte,
Segre, Caracas 1071, Venezuela
Apartado Postal 50933, Caracas 1050
Elsewhere in the world
Hewlett-Packard Company,
Intercontinental Headquarters,
3495 Deer Creek Road,
Palo Alto, CA 94304, U.S.A. Page 77 Monday, June 28, 1999 11:50 AM