Using the logon command, Logging on with a blind password – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
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Safeguard Logon Dialog
Safeguard User’s Guide — 422089-020
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Using the LOGON Command
You can also terminate the LOGON command at any time by pressing Ctrl/Y or Break.
Using the LOGON Command
The LOGON command accepts your user name and password in several different
formats, as the following examples shows.
From H06.28/J06.17 RVU onwards, the PASSWORD-ERROR-DETAIL global attribute
is supported for password change during LOGON also. A detailed error message is
displayed when the following conditions are met:
If this attribute is set to ON
The Authentication and Password Event Exit Processes are not enabled, and
The password provided does not meet the complexity criteria
For example, the detailed error message can be in the following form based on which
all password quality attributes are set to ON:
The password provided does not meet one or more of the
following complexity requirements:
Has atleast
Has atleast
Has atleast
Has atleast
Has atleast
Logging On With a Blind Password
In the standard Safeguard configuration, passwords are blind. They are not displayed
when typed at the password prompt. If you attempt to enter your password on the
same line as your user name, it is displayed but not accepted. You must type it on the
following line at the password prompt. The standard Safeguard configuration also
requires that you use your user name (
group name
member name
) or alias when
logging on. You cannot log on using your user ID (
group number
member number
The following example shows how a user with the user name support.jane logs on to
the system. The user’s password is alpha4. The password appears in this example
even though it does not appear on the screen when support.jane types it.
SAFEGUARD 1> LOGON support.jane
Password: alpha4
*WARNING* Password Expires: 4 Jan 1995, 12:00
Last Logon: 18 DEC 1994, 11:23
Last Unsuccessful Attempt: 18 Dec 1994, 11:20 Total Failures: 5
Good Morning. Welcome to \SFO
The terminal displays a series of messages after a successful logon. The first logon
confirmation message tells the user when her current password expires. This message
Note. n1, n2, n3, n4 and n5 are the integer numbers.