Ldev operation detail – HP XP Array Manager Software User Manual
Page 12

Table 4 LDEV Detail Table (continued)
Drive type of external volumes.
Asterisk (*) indicates a SATA or BD drive containing
external volumes.
Dollar sign ($) indicates an SSD drive containing
external volumes.
Hyphen (-) indicates a drive containing internal volumes.
Nothing is displayed for FC drives containing external
Ext. VOL Info
Drive types of internal volumes.
Asterisk (*) indicates a SATA drive containing internal
Dollar sign ($) indicates an SSD drive containing
external volumes.
Hyphen (-) indicates a drive containing external volumes.
Nothing is displayed for an FC drive containing internal
Int. VOL Info
The ID of the cache logical partition to which the displayed
volumes belong. The CLPR ID is a two-digit number.
Number of a pool associated with virtual volumes (V-VOLs)
for XP Thin Provisioning.
Hyphen (-) indicates a virtual volume (V-VOL) for XP Thin
Provisioning is not associated with a pool.
Nothing is displayed for volumes that are not virtual
volumes (V-VOLs) for XP Thin Provisioning.
Pool ID
Capacity, in either GB (default view) or MB, of the LDEV
displayed in the Capacity column.
Capacity Unit
Number of LDEVs that are selected in the LDEV Detail table.
Selected LDEVs
Table 5 LDEV Status Icons
LDEV Status
Normal LDEV
Expanded (LUSE) volume
LDEV Operation Detail
The remainder of the LUN Expansion (LUSE) window provides LDEV operational detail, as follows:
Using the LUSE GUI