HP ProBook 5220m Notebook PC User Manual
Page 143

setting MultiBoot Express
prompt 127
System Configuration
menu 118
computer setup 115
Computer Setup utility 128
connecting to a LAN 25
connecting to a WLAN 18
connection, external power 58
conservation, power 65
TouchPad right/left 30
cord, power 11
corporate WLAN connection 18
country-specific modem cable
adapter 26
creating a backup 110
creating CDs or DVDs 51
critical battery level 62
critical updates, software 100
deployment, software 128
device configurations 119
device security 98
digital card
Disk Cleanup software 70
Disk Defragmenter software 70
Disk Sanitizer 118
image, switching 37
screen brightness hotkeys 38
display components 9
drive light 5, 71
drive media 54
DriveLock password
changing 95
description 94
entering 95
removing 96
setting 94
DriveLock, automatic 118
external 80
hard 74, 80
identifying 68
optical 80
replacing 73
drives, boot order 119, 123
Dual Core CPU 120
changing region setting 50
inserting 48, 80
removing 51, 81
DVD region settings 50
earbuds 43
embedded numeric keypad keys,
identifying 5
encryption 17
fingerprints 103
error log 117
eSATA cable, connecting 78
eSATA devices
adding 78
connecting 78
removing 79
eSATA/USB port, identifying 78
esc key, identifying 4
Execution Disable 119
external audio devices,
connecting 45
external drive 80
external monitor port
f11 recovery 113
FastLook light, identifying 2
features, computer 1
File menu 117
fingerprint reader
identifying 102
locating 102
using 102
Fingerprint reader, identifying 4
enrolling 103
firewall 17
three-finger 34
fn key
identifying 5
function keys
identifying 5
TouchPad 32
hard disk drive
external 80
HP 3D DriveGuard 71
installing 74
hard disk test 117
hard drive
external 80
HP 3D DriveGuard 71
installing 74
replacing 73
hard drive recovery 113
hardware, identifying 1
HDMI port, identifying 7, 46
HDMI, connecting 46
headphones 43
exiting 55
initiated during critical battery
level 62
initiating 55
high-definition devices,
connecting 46
decreasing screen
brightness 38
decreasing speaker
volume 38
description 35
displaying system
information 36
increasing screen
brightness 38
increasing speaker volume 38
initiating Sleep 36
muting speaker sound 38
opening Print Options
window 37
switching screen image 37
using 36
HP 3D DriveGuard 71
Index 131