Location for application execution and control – HP Scalable Visualization Array Software User Manual

Page 36

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ParaView supports tiled displays through a built-in display manager.

Handles structured (uniform rectilinear, non-uniform rectilinear, and curvilinear grids), unstructured,
polygonal, and image data.

All processing operations (filters) produce datasets. This enables you to either further process or save
as a data file the result of every operation.

Contours and isosurfaces can be extracted from all data types using scalars or vector components. The
results can be colored by any other variable, or processed further.

Vector fields can be inspected by applying glyphs (arrows, cones, lines, spheres, and various 2D
glyphs) to the points in a dataset.

Streamlines can be generated using constant step or adaptive integrators.

Supports a variety of file formats including VTK, EnSight 6 and EnSight Gold, Plot3D, polygonal file
formats including STL and BYU, and many other file formats.

As noted in the previous list, ParaView supports a variety of configurations and work models. However, the
example scenario described in this section uses the MPI version of ParaView with a Render Client and a
group of Render Servers.

A link to the ParaView documentation is available from the SVA Documentation Library.

Location for Application Execution and Control

This example requires that you configure the SVA so that it can run your application while you control it from
your local desktop. Additionally, display output is routed to your desktop.

When run in parallel on a cluster, ParaView has two distinct functional areas:

ParaView Render Servers.

The Render Servers handle the rendering, compositing, and display functions. On the SVA, these Render
Servers run on the render and display nodes. The pieces of data being rendered by the Render Servers
change dynamically, which is handled by ParaView. The SVA render and display nodes carry out the
same functions for ParaView, except that the display nodes are capable of sending the display output
to a display device or a local desktop.

ParaView Client.

The ParaView Client handles the command and control functions for your display. It has a window
interface with menus and toolbars and a simplified version of the model that appears on the display
device. In the case of SVA, the ParaView Client typically runs on the Execution Host while its display
is pushed back to your local desktop. HP recommends that you use a Display Surface that uses a display
node as its Execution Host.

The Execution Host is defined for each Display Surface. You specify the Display Surface by name when
launching a visualization job. The Execution Host for a Display Surface is the default location for running
an application. You can locate the default Execution Host by reading the value for the SVA_EXECUTION_HOST
tag in the Site Configuration File, /opt/sva/etc/sva.conf. Each instance of a named Display Surface
in the Site Configuration File has an associated default Execution Host. You can override the default by
setting the SVA_EXECUTION_HOST tag in your User Configuration File to indicate which host to use to run
the application for a given Display Surface. See

Chapter 4

and the

SVA System Administration Guide for

details on changing Configuration Data Files and their tag content.

Figure 5-2

shows the flow of control for the ParaView application when run on the SVA.


Application Examples