2 getting started with repository, Installation, Character set support in repository views – HP Neoview Release 2.5 Software User Manual
Page 17: Obtaining prepackaged queries, Starting the repository, Configuring retention times for data, Chapter 2: getting started with repository
2 Getting Started with Repository
The Repository is initially installed on the Neoview platform by HP Manufacturing. Repository
upgrades are installed by HP Support in the context of Neoview platform upgrades.
Character Set Support in Repository Views
The Repository installation script is aware of whether a Neoview platform is configured to
support the ISO8859-1, Japan Shift-JIS, or UTF-8 character set. If the Neoview platform is
configured for the ISO88591 configuration, then character fields in all Repository tables and
views will contain ISO8859-1 data. If the platform is configured for the SJIS or Unicode
configuration, character fields in some, but not all, Repository views contain double-wide
UCS2–encoded data. The description of each view in
Chapter 3: “Repository Views” (page 19)
indicates whether the view supports UCS2–encoded data.
Section : “Retrieving UCS2 Columns
From a Workstation Configured for ISO8859-1” (page 64)
discusses how to retrieve UCS2 data
from an ISO8859-1 workstation or “from a workstation configured for the ISO8859-1 character
Regardless of the character set used by the Neoview platform, column names in Repository views
are encoded using ISO8859-1, and segment names are not internationalized.
Obtaining Prepackaged Queries
Prepackaged queries against the Repository are distributed as part of the Metric Miner product
within HPDM.
Starting the Repository
During installation, the Repository is configured to come up automatically when the Neoview
platform starts.
By default, statistics are collected for queries, connectivity sessions, disks, processing nodes, and
system events. Table data is not available by default.
For support of query statistics, Neoview Workload Management Services (WMS) must
also be running. It is installed and started by default. For more information, see the Neoview
Workload Management Services Guide.
To change your configuration and the retention times for query statistics, contact your HP Support
Configuring Retention Times for Data
By default, the retention times for Repository data are:
Retention Time
Repository Metric
90 days
Processing node statistics
90 days
Session data