HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 95

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NonStop dba/m Database Manager for NonStop SQL/MP User’s Guide 522632-004


7. Enter the maximum length of input records, in bytes, in the RECin


Define Output-File Options

Set output-file options using the Out Option pane, as shown in Figure 10-
12. Not all options are applicable to all object types.

To define output-file options

1. Enter the output block length in the Blockout field.

2. Enable translation to EBCDIC by clicking in EBCDICout.

3. Allow dividing of long input records into multiple records by clicking

on Fold.

4. Set the pad-character option in the Pad check-box, then enter the pad

character in the Pad field.

5. Set the variable-length option by clicking on Varout.

6. Enter the maximum length of output records, in bytes, in the RECout


Specify Display Options

Specify display options using the Display Option pane, as shown in Figure
8-11. Not all options are applicable to all object types.

To specify display options

1. Set the display in octal, decimal, or hexadecimal mode by clicking on

the corresponding check-box.

2. Set the display-byte option by clicking on Byte.

3. Set the display ASCII option by clicking on ASCII.

4. Set the No Head option by clicking on No Head.

Specify Move Options

You specify move options to map source columns to destination columns.
Specify move options in the Move Option pane by clicking on Move