HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 154

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NonStop dba/m Database Manager for NonStop SQL/MP User’s Guide 522632-004


Figure 12-20. Comments for Table Columns Window.

Choose the Column

Use the Catalogs, Tables, and Columns pane to choose the columns of a table.

To choose a column

1. In the Catalogs field, click on the name of the catalog that contains the

table. The tables in the catalog are displayed in the Tables field.

2. In the Tables field, click on the name of the table. The columns in the

table are displayed in the Column Name field.

3. In the Column Name field, click on the name of the column. If there is

any comment text associated with the column, it is displayed in the
Comment Text pane.

Add, Change, or Delete the Column Comment

Use the Comment Text pane to add, change, or delete comment text.

To add column comments

1. Click on Add Line. The cursor is placed on the next available line in the

Comment Text pane.

2. Enter the comment.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add additional comments.