HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 172

NonStop dba/m Database Manager for NonStop SQL/MP User’s Guide 522632-004
1. Select the column you want to change by clicking on the column name
shown in the View Column Name field. The corresponding Table
Column Name field is highlighted.
2. Place the cursor in the View Column Name field to edit the name of the
3. Place the cursor in the Heading field to enter the name of the column.
4. Click on Projection. The View Text pane displays the new columns list.
Add, Change, or Delete a WHERE Clause
You can complete the definition of the view by adding a WHERE clause to
the View Text pane. An example of the View Text pane is shown in Figure
13-6. You can also change or delete a WHERE clause.
To add a WHERE clause
1. Click on Predicate. The following statement is added after
CREATE VIEW statement in the View Text pane.
2. Type the WHERE clause after the word WHERE.
Note: You can use the alias name of the base tables in the
WHERE clause.
To delete a WHERE clause, click on Predicate. The clause after the word
WHERE is deleted.
To change a WHERE clause, edit an existing WHERE clause in the View
Text pane.
To display the table indexes in the View window, click on the Show Index
Save the View
After you have defined the new view, click on one of the following:
Execute. Executes the command immediately.
Show. Displays the SQL commands created by dba/m Database
Manager without executing them.
Queue. Queues the command to be submitted in a batch later.