HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 35

Using the Object Tree
Manage Views
Using the Object Tree, you can perform all view-management functions
such as create, alter, drop, invoke, or rename a view. You can also add,
change, or delete help text, view comments, and column comments for a
1. If the View icon under the Catalog icon that contains the view is not
already selected, click on the View icon. The names of all views in the
catalog are displayed.
2. Select one of the view and right click on it, and the following buttons
are highlighted in the Object window: Create, Alter, Drop, Invoke,
Rename, Help Text, View Comments, Column Comments.
3. Click on the appropriate button at the bottom of the window to
perform any view-management function. Refer to Chapter 13,
Managing Views, for information on the view-management windows.
Manage Indexes
You can refresh or monitor disk-space usage of an index, or perform
index-management functions such as create, alter, drop, move, view
statistics, or rename. You can also add, change, or delete comments for an
1. If the Index icon under the Catalog icon that contains the index is not
already selected, click on the Index icon. The names of all of the
indexes in the catalog are displayed.
2. Select one of the index and right click on it, and the following buttons
in the Object window are highlighted: Refresh, Monitor, Create, Alter,
Drop, Move, Rename, Statistics, Index Comments.
3. Click on one of the following:
To monitor the index’s disk-space usage, click on Monitor. The
Object Monitoring window is displayed. Refer to Chapter 8,
Monitoring Disk-Space Usage, for more information.
To perform any index-management function, click on the
appropriate button at the bottom of the Object window. Refer to
Chapter 14, Managing Indexes, for more information.