HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 198

Managing Indexes
Choose an Index
To choose an index to alter
1. In the Catalogs field, double-click on the name of the catalog that
contains the index. The indexes in the catalog are displayed in the
Catalogs and Indexes pane.
2. In the Indexes field, double-click on the index you want to alter. The
attributes of the index are displayed in the File Attributes pane.
Display Dependencies
Before altering an index, you can analyze the impact that the changes will
To display the programs that depend on the index, click on
Dependent Programs. Programs which would be invalidated by
altering the index are displayed.
To display all objects, including programs, that depend on the
index, click on Dependent Objects. All SQL objects that depend on
the index are displayed.
Change Security
To change the security of an index, use the drop-down lists in the R, W, E,
and P fields in the Security pane. You cannot change the owner ID or
group ID of an index.
Change File Attributes
You can changes any of the attributes in the File Attributes pane.
To change the file attributes of an index
1. To change extent allocation, perform one of the following:
To allocate extents, click on Allocate, then enter the initial number
of extents in the Allocate field.
To deallocate unused extents, click on Allocate to remove the