HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 85

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NonStop dba/m Database Manager for NonStop SQL/MP User’s Guide 522632-004


Figure 7-19. Explain Output Window.

Display Statistics

Click on the Statistics button to display the statistics stored in the catalogs.
Refer to the Display Statistics section of “Analyzing Queries in Programs”
at the beginning of this chapter for instructions on displaying table, column,
and index statistics.

Simulate Production Statistics

You can manually update statistics to simulate different production
environments. To simulate production statistics, your copy of dba/m
Database Manager must be licensed to update table statistics. Check with
the NonStop Himalaya System administrator to determine if you have the
appropriate license.

Warning: Genus Software strongly recommends that you perform
simulations in a user transaction mode, so that you can roll back the
changes to the statistics. Otherwise, statistics data in the catalogs is
permanently changed.

To simulate production statistics, refer to “Simulating Production
Statistics” earlier in this chapter.