HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual

Page 78

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RWCString b = recover(bistr); // 7

cout << a << endl; // Compare the two strings // 8
cout << b << endl;
return 0;

Program Output:

A string with tabs and a
A string with tabs and a

The job of function save(const RWCString& a, RWvostream& v) is to save the string a to the
virtual output stream v. Function recover(RWvistream&) restores the results. These functions do
not know the ultimate format with which the string will be stored. Here are some additional
comments on particular lines:

//1, //2 On these lines, a file output stream f is created for the file junk.dat. The default file

open mode for many PC compilers is text, requiring that the explicit flag ios::binary be
used to avoid automatic DOS new line conversion




On this line, an


is created from f.


Because this clause is enclosed in braces { ... }, the destructor for f will be called here.
This will cause the file to be closed.


The file is reopened, this time for input.


Now an


is created from it.


The string is recovered from the file.


Finally, both the original and recovered strings are printed for comparison.

You could simplify this program by using class fstream, which multiply inherits ofstream and
ifstream, for both output and input. A seek to beginning-of-file would occur before reading the
results back in. Since some early implementations of seekg() have not proven reliable, the
simpler approach was not chosen for this example.

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