Template overview – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual

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©Copyright 1996 Rogue Wave Software

Template Overview

To gain some perspective, let's begin with a general example that shows how templates work. We'll
explain concepts from the example throughout the section, though you'll probably follow this
without difficulty now:


int main()
// Declare a linked-list of strings:
RWTValDlist stringList;
RWTValDlist::iterator iter;
RWCString sentence;

// Add words to the list:

// Now use standard iterators to build a sentence:
iter = stringList.begin();
while (iter != stringList.end()) {
sentence += (*iter++ + " ");
// Replace trailing blank with some oomph!
sentence(RWCRegexp(" $")) = "!"

// Display the result:
cout << sentence << endl;
return 0;

Templates are fun!

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