The cloned database removal utility, The virtual copy removal utility, Integration with hp 3par virtual lock software – HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for Oracle User Manual

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The number of multiplex redo log locations must be equal to, or less than, the original database
when creating the clone database. Otherwise, the extra redo log multiplex location will be

If the locations of the redo logs and control files are not specified, they will be created at the
repository location for the virtual copy

When using a binary control file:

The structure of the clone database must be exactly the same as the structure of the original
database. Therefore, the virtual copy must be mounted at '/' if the datafiles and archive logs
are on file systems.

Because the virtual copy does not contain redo logs and control files, the same directory
structure or same ASM diskgroups for the redo logs and control files must be pre-created on
the backup server.

When creating a clone database for backup (RMAN) purposes, the database is started in
MOUNTED mode using the binary control file from the repository without recovering the database.
This can be achieved by using the -o for_backup or -o binary,norecovery option.

A clone database can be created with or without automatic recovery (applying archivelogs from
the virtual copy) using the –o recovery or -o norecovery option. If recovery is chosen, the
clone database is open with a resetlogs. If norecovery is chosen, the clone database is mounted
and archive logs from the virtual copy are not applied.

The Cloned Database Removal Utility

HP 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for Oracle’s cloned database removal utility
(rmora_removedb command) removes a cloned database, which was created using the


The cloned database is shutdown with the shutdown immediate option. The database related
files (Oracle parameter file, control files and redo logs), which were previously created by the

command, are removed. The read-write virtual copy remains mounted.

The Virtual Copy Removal Utility

HP 3PAR Recovery Manager for Oracle’s virtual copy removal utility removes an existing virtual
copy from the HP 3PAR storage system. The virtual copy must have Available status in order to
be removed using the rmora_remove command. The status of a virtual copy is obtained by
using the display utility rmora_display.

This utility only removes the read-only virtual copy from the system to free up the snapshot space.
It does not actually remove the repository information if the virtual copy has been backed up to
the media. This enables Recovery Manager for Oracle to restore a virtual copy, which has been
previously backed-up to the media on the original volumes, as long as the virtual copy repository

Integration with HP 3PAR Virtual Lock Software

HP 3PAR Virtual Lock Software allows administrators to apply a configurable retention period to
virtual volumes - including thin volumes created with HP 3PAR Thin Provisioning Software and
virtual volume copies, such as those created with HP 3PAR Recovery Manager for Oracle.

The Virtual Lock utilities prevent read-only virtual copies from being accidentally or intentionally
removed. This is achieved by enforcing a predefined retention time for the read-only virtual copy.
Be cautious that once the retention time is set, it cannot be removed or reduced. It can only be
removed after the retention time ends.

This feature is only available for InForm OS 2.3.1 or above and requires an HP 3PAR Virtual Lock
Software license.

Recovery Manager for Oracle Utilities