HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 36

Warning Messages
PCFORMAT Error Messages
066374 Tandem Computers Incorporated
Warning Messages
The PCFORMAT warning messages are listed and explained below.
Warning—character data has embedded quotation marks
Quotation marks (“) have been detected in the data file. The output file
may not produce the expected results.
Warning—datafile record size is greater than DDL
record size, truncated
The data file is a structured file whose record size is greater than the size of
the specified DDL record. Only the part of the record described by the DDL
is processed.
Warning—inconsistency between DDL file type and
datafile type
The ENSCRIBE file type specified in the record description does not match
the file type of the specified data file.
Warning—scale factor exceeds 14 places
Due to the limited precision in the 654X workstation, some applications
may limit the acceptable format of a number to 14 digits.