HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 12

System Operation
Product Overview
066374 Tandem Computers Incorporated
Using Converted Data in
the Application
After the IXF data transfer is complete, the PC-compatible application can
be run from the MS-DOS environment. The technique for loading the
converted data into the application varies with each application.
In the case of Lotus 1-2-3, DIF files with an extension of “DIF” must be
translated to a “WKS-type” file with the Lotus Translate Utility. The
translated file can then be handled like any other Lotus worksheet file with
the Lotus “FILE” commands. In the example cited earlier, IXF was used to
add the “DIF” extension to the name of the file requiring translation
(JAN.DIF). In cases where the application program places specific naming
requirements on a file before the file can be accepted, IXF can be used to
meet the requirements (and prevent having to rename the file with