File sets, Source file set, Destination file set – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 40: File set comparison
One-time Synchronization
HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide—522580-017
File Sets
File Sets
The file sets describe the collection of files to be synchronized. A file set is a standard
file pattern, such as \MYSYS.$DATA*.OBJ*.SERV*. There are a few restrictions on the
source and destination file sets.
Source file set
The source file set must describe only local files. If the file set contains a system name
(for example \NEWYORK), the system name must be the local Expand node name.
Destination file set
The destination may be either on the local system or a on a remote system. If the
destination is the local system, no system name is required. If the destination is a
remote system, the destination system must be a valid Expand node name.
Specifying the destination system as a wild-card (“\*”) is supported for scheduled
synchronizations (see command description of
is not supported for one-time synchronizations.
AutoSYNC must be installed, licensed, and running on the destination systems.
The volume, subvolume, and filename portions of a destination file set must be either a
simple an asterisk (*) or must be fully specified. Dollar-sign asterisk ($*) is not a valid
destination volume; use asterisk (*) instead (“\sys.$*.*.*” is illegal and must be
specified instead as: “\sys.*.*.*”).
For each component of the name of the source file set that is represented by a pattern
(containing asterisk (*) or question mark (?)), the corresponding part of the destination
file set must be asterisk (*).
For example:
$DATA.JOE*.* TO $DATA1.*.* is legal
$DATA.JOE*.* TO $DATA1.JOE.* is illegal.
File Set Comparison
AutoSYNC creates a list of all file names in the source file set.
Some files are not eligible for synchronization; these files include:
Files that are opened exclusively. AutoSYNC cannot gain access to such files.