Run[d – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 182

Command Interpreter
HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide—522580-017
displays all files in the destination file set where the destination file is
newer than the source file. It overrides the other DETAIL options INSYNC,
NOTINSYNC and EXCLUDED. The option is ignored if TIMEEXACT has
also been specified.
The sync options are applied at the time the files are compared. For example,
if EXCLUDE is specified the report also lists files that were excluded because
they match a name on the exclude list; if the AUDIT option is specified, all
audited files are included in the list of files that are compared; if TIMEEXACT is
specified, all files where the modification timestamp of the source does not
exactly match the modification timestamp of the destination file is displayed.
LOGFILE log-filename [ CLEAR ]
the name of a file where AutoSYNC logs the outcome of the synchronization
process launched by REPORT.
If CLEAR is specified, the content of the log is purged prior to the
OUT report-file [ CLEARR[EPORT] ]
a disk file where the report is written. If report-file does not exist, it is created as
an entry-sequenced file.
If OUT is omitted, the report is displayed at the terminal or written to the
SYNCFILESET log file SLggguuu.
AutoSYNC does not display the report file automatically. Use the AUTOSYNC
COPY command to display the report file to the terminal.
CLEARR[EPORT] purges the content of the report file prior to logging the
report output.
Executes a program during an AUTOSYNC session. When the program terminates,
the session resumes.
a program file to be executed.
standard TACL process options, including the following:
Note. AUTOSYNC does not report extra subvolumes on the destination volume that
do not exist on the source volume unless SUBVOLPURGE has also been specified.
RUN[D] filename[/run-options/] [command]