HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 155

Command Interpreter
HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide—522580-017
is the alternate key tag (1 or 2 bytes) designating the alternate key to be used
for positioning.
ALTKEY key-value [, key-value]
the alternate key of the starting record or row. The format of key-value is
described above.
converts lowercase characters to uppercase.
the number of bytes in an input block that is requested in a single physical read
operation. When BLOCKIN is not specified, the RECIN value is used. The default
is device dependent: 80 bytes for terminal, 132 bytes for process and unstructured
(for copying from relative files only)
zero length records should (or should not) be skipped when copied to the output
file. The default is COMPACT.
COMP[ARELEN] <1 - 255 >
sets the compare length for generic positioning on the record key (primary or
alternate) specified in the FIRST KEY option. The compare length must be less
than or equal to the key specified.
the input file is in EBCDIC and translates the characters to ASCII prior to writing to
the output file.
requests exact positioning on the record key (primary or alternate) specified in the
FIRST KEY option.
positions on the last record in the key range specified in the FIRST KEY option.
RECIN <1 to 4096>
the maximum number of bytes in an input record. When RECIN is not specified,
the BLOCKIN value is used, with a maximum of 4096.